TargetMacOSClassic Constant

Used to indicate that you are compiling MacOS 8/9 code on a PowerPC.


result Boolean Returns True if you are compiling MacOS 8/9 code.


TargetMacOSClassic, and TargetCarbon are mutually exclusive subsets of TargetMacOS. TargetMacOSClassic is True only if your code is running on a PowerPC under a 'classic' Mac OS. Macintoshes that use the 68K family of processors are no longer supported.

See Also

DebugBuild, RBVersion, RBVersionString, TargetBigEndian, TargetCarbon, TargetHasGUI, TargetLinux, TargetLittleEndian, TargetMachO, TargetMacOS, TargetWin32 constants; #If statement.